Trezor Suite®

Through the Trezor Suite interface, you can send and receive a wide range of digital assets, track your transaction history, and explore additional features such as Trezor Suite®

Trezor Suite App - Your Desktop & Web Crypto Companion

Welcome to Trezor Suite App - Your Desktop & Web Crypto Companion

Trezor Suite is the official application for managing your Trezor hardware wallet, offering both desktop and web interfaces for a seamless experience. With Trezor Suite, you can securely manage your cryptocurrency assets, interact with decentralized applications, and monitor your portfolio. Follow these steps to set up and use the Trezor Suite App on your desktop or via the web.

Downloading and Setting Up Trezor Suite

Visit the Trezor Website

Open your web browser and navigate to the official Trezor website.

Download Trezor Suite

On the Trezor homepage, locate the "Download" button for Trezor Suite. Select the appropriate version for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux) and download the installation file.

Install Trezor Suite

Once the download is complete, open the installation file and follow the prompts to install Trezor Suite on your computer.

Open Trezor Suite

After installation, launch the Trezor Suite application from your desktop.

Setting Up Your Trezor Device

Connect Your Trezor Device

Plug your Trezor hardware wallet into your computer using the USB cable provided.

Follow On-Screen Instructions

Trezor Suite will guide you through the setup process. If this is your first time using the device, you will need to initialize your Trezor by creating a new wallet or recovering an existing one using your recovery seed.

Create a New Wallet

If you are creating a new wallet, you will be prompted to choose a PIN and generate a recovery seed. Write down your recovery seed and store it in a safe place.

Recover an Existing Wallet

If you are recovering an existing wallet, enter your recovery seed when prompted to restore your wallet.


By following these steps, you can download and set up the Trezor Suite App, providing a secure and user-friendly interface for managing your cryptocurrency assets. Take advantage of Trezor Suite's features to monitor your portfolio, interact with decentralized applications, and securely send and receive funds. Welcome to Trezor Suite - your trusted companion for desktop and web crypto management!

Last updated